Forum Rules
To all loyal and new members,
Thanks for supporting Akatsuki Online and welcome aboard.
We wish you enjoy your surf here
Recently we have found much UN-NEEDED lame postings.
Don't be annoyed. We are not being unfriendly but is trying to make the forums more useful to the public who needs their questions answered and etc.
as noticed, some topics are unnecessarily laughed at, critisized at, commented at, diverted from and so on.
To be a useful and resourceful forum, all posts and topics need to be realistic and useful.
I hope everyone understands what i'm trying to stress here..
To critics and lamers
Yes, It is a free world,
Yes, Akatsuki is a free forum
You don't own Akatsuki, I do,
Akatsuki doesn't owe you anything, you don't pay to it
So please make Akatsuki a better place. for everyone
Please DO NOT Post if you have nothing to say.
Due to the increasing number of useless* threads/posts/replies, It has caused much uncalled-for frustration.
This drastically stunts the growth of Akatsuki Online as well as it reflects the maturity level of people in this part of the world.
-Uncalled for posts/threads
-Immature posts/threads
-Non-beneficial posts/threads
-Off-topic posts
-Posts/Threads without much thought
+More will be added without prior notice
These frustrating immature posts comes from irresposible and un-patriotic invididuals that do not command decent amount of general knowledge and yet wishes to comment on something they have no idea about.
For the benefit of all users, Akatsuki Online will no longer tolerate such behaviours. Such intolerable members with intolerable behaviours will be classified as worthless members.
Akatsuki Online will remove all worthless posts from non-beneficial members with no further consideration.
There will be no obligation to explain the reasons behind which is already clear.
These actions will be and requires the contribution of other members. Such contributions may come in as a post/thread report or emails to us
As mentioned,
please do not post if you:
-have nothing useful to add to the topic
-don't know what you're saying
-just want to post smileys
-are childish
-don't know what's the answer
-trying to be funny
-are asking silly questions
-are diverting from the topic
-are trying to be funny posting the whole thing in another language other than English
-are trying to be unfriendly
the list goes on and on.
basically what this Warning actually mean is:
Please don't be LAME.
lame posts will be deleted and lamers will be banned.
In Game Rules
Trade scamming
Scamming/deceiving another player during trades and negotiations
False Account Hacking and Scamming Reports
Reporting any false incidents of account hacking and scamming through the forums and GM's.
Violating the privacy of any account, performing account abuses and hosting of hacked items
Illegal trade and transfer of account/s
Advertisement of intent to or commission of the act of buying, selling, trading or sharing, or transferring any access to your account, character/s or item/s.
Use of 3rd party programs
Use of bot/hack/cheat programs & software. Use of auto-mouse and/or macro programs. Use of tools or ideas that allow someone to gain certain items or duplicate items.
Player harassment
Harassing, threatening, or causing distress and/or unwanted attention to other players
Vulgarity/ Profanity
Use of sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethically offensive language.
Punking a GM
Harassing a GM in relation to an offense
Vulgar/ profane names
Sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethically offensive language vulgarity
Names in violation of intellectual property rights
Names that associate with trademark, copyright or any propriety rights
Abuse of Megaphone broadcast
Inappropriate language of any sort or any attempt to escape the profanity filter. Use of inappropriate or vulgar content of any sort
Spamming / Flooding
Excessive typing or posting of repetitive/useless messages in the General Chat Window
Event disruption
Disruption in-game events by harassing participants and event facilitators
Asking for item or gold in game from GM or any player will consider as Harassing.